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    Tile Cleaning Services

    Tile looks beautiful when it is installed, giving you an elegantly colored, marbled surface that adds luxury and distinction to the room. You may use tile to elevate the look of your kitchen or your bathroom, make a striking appearance at your foyer or entryway, or even around your bedroom. Tile can be an expensive investment that helps to bring the room together, but dirt and stains can quickly ruin this beautiful surface. Sticky spills in the kitchen often get caught in grout and stuck in corners, nail polish and toothpaste makes streaks on bathroom tiles and water damage, mold and dirt accumulate fast outside or in basements. These and other difficult stains detract from the elegance of your tile and dealing with them yourself can be frustrating. The color never seems to completely come back and household cleaners can leave bleached or discolored spots. Stainless Steamer provides a comprehensive and thorough clean that won't damage your expensive tile surfaces, and instead leaves them bright and glowing. The color you loved when you placed the tile shines through again, or the rich ivory color that you wanted from the start. You can renew the original appearance of your tile and revitalize the design you first fell in love with and enjoy a restored look throughout your floors. Stainless Steamer Cleaning cleans tile surfaces quickly and affordability to preserve your investment.

    When disaster strikes and flooding brings in mud, dirt and debris across the tile in your home, it can seem impossible to get clean. Water damage is a hassle to deal with and many homeowners are preoccupied with other problems from flooding. Let Stainless Steamer take care of the mold, dirt and debris across your tile floors and get the repairs off to a great start. The water damage will disappear like the flood never happened, leaving all tile and grout intact. If you have recently purchased a home that shows sign of water damage, or if the tile in the room is hidden from dust, dirt and neglect, clean it up with expert cleaning service from Stainless Steamer. Clean tile can add hundreds of dollars in value to your or, if you are selling your home, showcase new potential to prospective buyers. Tile cleaning services are fast and easy, taking only a few hours to transform your home. Whether you have newly installed tiles have suffered stains or water damage, or you have older tiles you are concerned about preserving, Stainless Steamer will clean your tile surfaces carefully and completely. We never damage or discolor tiles and use gentle yet effective cleaning solutions and equipment to make sure the textures, color and integrity of your tiles stay intact. Even if stains have been there for years and you have tried everything to remove the damage, we can help restore the discoloration on your tile and remove the distraction from the room. Give us a call Today to ask about our specials.

    CALL US TODAY  866-842-6071

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    – Carpet Cleaning – Call: 866-842-6071

    Stainless Steamer Carpet Cleaning